Vil Facebook og Google komme svekket eller styrket ut av GDPR? Her er ukas 6 lesetips fra ANFO

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Hvordan vil duopolet forholde seg til GDPR? 

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ANFOs lesetips er vår nye spalte i samarbeid med Annonsørforeningen og direktør Jan Morten Drange. 

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Hver uke oppsummerer Jan Morten noen av de beste, viktigste eller mest interessante artiklene i en anbefaling. 

Mange antar nok at Google og Facebook kommer godt ut av GDPR.

Her er et innlegg som diskuterer temaet på en ganske balansert måte.

Både Facebook og Google må innrette seg som oss andre.

Kan GDPR faktisk svekke duopolets posisjoner? Hvem vet?

Her er den og fem andre artikler du kan få med deg denne uka:

How GDPR could weaken, not strengthen, the duopoly - Digiday

Consensus on whether Google and Facebook stand to win or lose as a result of Europe's new data-privacy laws seems to be changing. Popular opinion has been that the direct relationship Facebook and Google have with consumers will make it easy for them to obtain consent, and as such they will ultimately be at an advantage.

Facebook kommer stadig med endringer. Økt transparens for annonsører:

Facebook Clarifies Ad Metrics, Helps Marketers 'Measure What Matters'

Facebook plans to make changes to the advertising metrics it reports to give advertisers greater transparency into the way they measure campaign performance.

Sir John Hegarty er et kreativt forbilde for mange. Denne saken, som riktignok ikke er helt ny, er inspirende i kraft av Sir John sine kommentarer:

Sir John Hegarty: Einstein didn't have a brainstorm session

One of the advertising world's most celebrated contrarians, Sir John Hegarty is still railing against conformity after more than 50 years at the forefront of the industry. The co-founder of ad agency BBH and creator of acclaimed campaigns for brands such as Levi's, Audi, BA and Johnnie Walker, Hegarty believes that the propensity for groupthink in the modern workplace can kill off creativity.

WPP og Sir Martin Sorrell snakker ganske åpent om balansering av det kreative vs. media. Om strukturelle og sykliske endringer, om fremtid og inntjening:

Sorrell admits creative is hurting more than media as WPP shares plunge

Sorrell said "the traditional creative business is where the pressure is" and it is "less" on the media agencies. The WPP chief executive told investors he is "embarrassed" that the group missed revenue forecasts in the last three quarters of 2017.

Noen ord fra Brussel om GDPR og E-Privacy. En ekstra wake up call knyttet til E-Privacy direktivet. Her ved WFA og Catherine Armitage:

GDPR isn't the only new data law marketers need to get their head around

Right now, GDPR is hot. There are just four-and-a-bit months to go and panic is setting in as many start to realise the implications of the new systems they should have been working on for the last two years. But today's intense focus on GDPR is potentially overshadowing another, perhaps equally important, debate bubbling up in Brussels.

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