5 ferske artikler om reklame og markedsføring som som du bør få med deg
Tidligere Facebook-ansatte snakker ut, mens Procter&Gamble ser framover. Denne uken har vi med oss noen virkelige godbiter - det var vanskelig å stoppe!
Jan Morten Drange, ANFO
Denne artikkelen er over to år gammel.
ANFOs lesetips er vår nye spalte i samarbeid med Annonsørforeningen og direktør Jan Morten Drange.
Jan Morten Drange, administrerende direktør i ANFO (Annonsørforeningen).AVIA
Han leser det meste av internasjonale fagnettsteder om reklame og markedsføring, og deler mange av disse blant annet på Linkedin.
Hver uke oppsummerer vi noen av de beste, viktigste eller mest interessante artiklene i en anbefaling:
New York Times med solid sak om digitale utfordringer:
And if you want to fix much of what ails the internet right now, the ad business would be the perfect perp to handcuff and restrain - and perhaps even reform. Ads are the lifeblood of the internet, the source of funding for just about everything you read, watch and hear online.
Åpenhjertig om Facebook og Google fra tidligere ansatte:
"The largest supercomputers in the world are inside of two companies - Google and Facebook - and where are we pointing them?" Mr. Harris said. "We're pointing them at people's brains, at children." Silicon Valley executives for years positioned their companies as tight-knit families and rarely spoke publicly against one another.
Bill Duggan is Group Executive Vice President of the ANA. His responsibilities focus on management of the association's portfolio of marketing and media committees and associated conferences, as well as thought leadership related to committees and... read more
Procter & Gamble Co. was one of the first big marketers to jump into automated digital media buying, developing its own proprietary system eight years ago, well before "programmatic" became an industry buzzword. Now P&G is moving away from programmatic and plowing more money into e-commerce platforms run by the likes of Amazon and Walmart, according to a report from consultancy L2.
Ad and logo placements on vehicles can be tricky, specially on vans and buses with sliding doors. Designers need to evaluate and visualize how the name, logo, or advertisement will look when the doors slide open. Here's a series of images that explain what we're trying to say. 1. 2.