Mark Zuckerberg sier debatten om Vietnam-bildet fikk han til å tenke seg om. Her er Facebooks 5 punkter for å «bygge samfunnet» videre
- Vi som sitter her i California, er ikke best egnet til å identifisere «kulturelle normer» i hele verden. Vi trenger et system hvor alle kan bidra til reglene våre, erkjenner den mektige Facebook-sjefen.
I et omfattende brev «til hele Facebook» torsdag, forteller Facebooks toppsjef Mark Zuckerberg hva som er planen framover. Se hele brevet lenger ned i saken.
Fram til nå har Facebook handlet mye om «familie og venner» - nå blir det det neste fokuset å utvikle en sosial infrastruktur for et nettsamfunn, skriver Zuckerberg:
- For supporting us, for keeping us safe, for informing us, for civic engagement, and for inclusion of all.
I det bildet har han satt opp en liste over fem punkter som Facebook skal jobbe med framover: Supportive communities, safe community, civically-engaged community og inclusive community.
Mest interessant for Facebook-debatten her hjemme er kanskje signalene om nye retningslinjer og ansvar for hva som kan publiseres på Facebook.
Her går Zuckerberg langt i å ta selvkritikk for hvordan nettsamfunnet har håndtert bildesensur fra for eksempel politivold, Black Lives Matter - og fjorårets store debatt om Vietnam-bildet.
Han skriver:
«In the last year, the complexity of the issues we've seen has outstripped our existing processes for governing the community. We saw this in errors taking down newsworthy videos related to Black Lives Matter and police violence, and in removing the historical Terror of War photo from Vietnam. We've seen this in misclassifying hate speech in political debates in both directions -- taking down accounts and content that should be left up and leaving up content that was hateful and should be taken down. Both the number of issues and their cultural importance has increased recently.
This has been painful for me because I often agree with those criticizing us that we're making mistakes. These mistakes are almost never because we hold ideological positions at odds with the community, but instead are operational scaling issues. Our guiding philosophy for the Community Standards is to try to reflect the cultural norms of our community. When in doubt, we always favor giving people the power to share more».
I fire punkter forklarer han hvorfor det har blitt slik, og hva Facebook nå vil gjøre for å endre seg.
Blant annet en mer inkluderende utforming av reglene:
- I've spent a lot of time over the past year reflecting on how we can improve our community governance. Sitting here in California, we're not best positioned to identify the cultural norms around the world. Instead, we need a system where we can all contribute to setting the standards. Although this system is not fully developed, I want to share an idea of how this might work.